To build the do it yourself mad scientist's lab you will need:
- 1 Table
- 1 White sheet
- 1 Dark sheet
- 1 Scientist costume (lab coat, wig)
- 1 Frankenstein costume (old suit, mask)
- 1 Hanging lamp over the table
- Black lights
- Shelves and tables
- Odds and ends from around your house (lava lamps, plasma balls, vases filled with water and food dye, rock collection, 6th grade insect collection, dead animal parts, plastic snakes, saw blades, surgical instruments, anything antique, or anything else you have lying around).
The Scene:
This scene is really fun to do and often produces the best scare. The only essential parts are the scientist, the monster, and the person hiding under the table. Basically the scientist welcomes everyone into his laboratory and show them his creation. They help him uncover his monster, and he explains that they are going to bring the monster to life. Everyone already knows the monster is really a person, and they are waiting for him to jump out at them or something. The scientist draws out the tension by having them tighten the clamp on the monster's head, at which point the person under the table screams and jumps out at them. They never see it coming. It's great.
It doesn't really matter what you have in your scientist's lab. Just put whatever you have out on tables and shelves. Remember it's dark, so little details don't matter very much.
Make sure you design the layout so that the people are forced to walk close to the table. The closer they are, the more scared they'll be when the person under the table jumps out.

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